January Chaos Garden Pt 2

What are we planting?

Brussel Sprouts!

I have never grown them before so this is a new thing for me! My husband and I are both excited. I know they can attract aphids and I am worried. We are planting kale too because I think they like kale more than than Brussel Sprouts.

It takes about 80 – 90 days.


  • Plant some kind of trap plant or use as a trap plant – they attract all kinds of pests.

Planting by the moon

If you are planting by the moon We recommend January 12-24.

I DON’T have seeds

I am so sorry! I wish I had some of these to share!

Want to buy some and support me? You can do that here: Ko-Fi Become a member and get 2 seed packages every month and you will get exclusive content, and reminders to check your chaotic mess.

Can’t afford that? That’s okay! I am open to seed trades and willing to gift some! Just let me know in the facebook group – in the comments – or email me! Details on how to get free seeds: Seed List

January Chaos Garden

What are we planting?

Carrots! We have never had good luck with carrots. So far they don’t grow or they are too small. A lot of that has to do with our dense soil. So we planted Daikon radishes to help break that so we could try again. I got some of those multi colored ones. I hope they do better this year. They take about 70 – 80 days to grow.

I hope this is my year for carrots! If not I have Queen’s Anne’s Lace. Last year I was ready to give in and just forage, but I am trying one more year.


  • Carrots do not like hard or clay soil.
  • I have seen people people forget carrots for over a year and pull them up and eat them.
  • They can be grown in a deep pot too
  • You can eat the greens! They also can be dehydrated for your veggie powder.
  • Carrots can be self planting – leave them long enough and you will never have to plant again
  • You can not pull them just to check. They are the tap root, so once pulled that is what you get.

Can I grow in a pot?

I honestly don’t know. I feel like with a deep enough pot you could but I think this one is worth doing in the ground if you have the room.

Planting by the moon

If you are planting by the moon plant them in between Jan 1-10

I MIGHT have seeds

Want to buy some and support me? You can do that here: Ko-Fi Become a member and get 2 seed packages every month and you will get exclusive content, and reminders to check your chaotic mess.

Can’t afford that? That’s okay! I am open to seed trades and willing to gift some! Just let me know in the facebook group – in the comments – or email me! Details on how to get free seeds: Seed List

January Garden Check In

What are you planting this month? I am most excited about starting Sunchokes! This is a new thing for my garden! I am hoping to add the tubers to my pantry because I have bad luck with potatoes so far. We are trying those again this year but having a diverse garden is always good! I am starting my sunchokes from seed in my greenhouse then moving them to a dedicated bed later on.