For the Chaos Gardener

We love chaos! I totally understand that a truly chaotic gardeners don’t plan too much! But I am here to send you reminders to throw some seeds in your yard and forget about them.

What is a chaos Gardener?

A chaos gardener is someone who throws caution to the wind and plants like a person who has no regard for order. They throw their seeds all willy nilly, no rows for these free spirits. 

Honestly, I love this method. If it is not something I have planned for a pot, I chaos garden! Most recently did this with Okra and Radish and I am loving the results. 

I am going to start regular posts to help my chaotic friends! So don’t forget to follow me on Facebook too.

How to Chaos Garden

This is the easiest thing to do!

  • Learn what zone you are in: USDA Agricultural Research service Click on the map and it will let you enter you Zip code to learn your zone!
  • Acquire the seeds you hope will grow.
  • Toss them in the general direction you want to to grow. You will get some in weird areas. Embrace it.
  • Forget about the plants for a while. If you REALLY forget about them they may even go to seed and replant themselves.
  • Remember them, check on them, enjoy!

Want to buy some and support me? You can do that here: Ko-Fi Become a member and get 2 seed packages every month and you will get exclusive content, and reminders to check your chaotic mess.


Here are some basic warnings I have for people.

  • You will forget, maybe write down on a calendar what you “planted,” where it is, and the general location.
  • How big does it get? Does it vine or crawl? If so, do I have room? (Did you know loofa gets HUDGE) Mistakes have been made?
  • Is it the wrong season? That’s okay it will be surprise in the right one maybe?
  • Do NOT chaos garden with tubers or bulbs, you may not be able to undo that
  • Every seed you throw is the potential to be a whole plant. Some may get choked out, sometimes you end up with a forest of okra
  • When harvesting, you will likely miss something, that’s okay! It will likely just surprise you next season.
  • Don’t try to weed. You did not work so hard to be lazy to create more work for yourself. Let the vegetation act as a living compost and ground cover. You can spread dirt or till up an area, or be like me, kill the grass the season before, let the native stuff start to pop up then surprise your native yard with radishes. They will often work together. Feel free to pull up things that might hurt it and for the love of all that is green, do not mow!
  • You’re better off forgetting it! Surprise yourself with opportunity
A picture of a giant loofa plant

That is my loofa plants its a good 50+ feet. I did not expect that. That was only 2 plants I think. I know I tossed only 5 seeds. (clipped)

Gardening by the Moon

I will be adding a gardening by the moon section because I have been learning about gardening by the moon. I have heard that gardening by the moon makes for a more successful garden. If you are a Chaos gardener and don’t want to plan too hard, that is okay too! Do not let that part stress you out. If you miss it, do it early, or what ever, that’s fine! Many of these things can be planted multiple times of the year.

What to expect?

Well I will start doing posts twice a month with ideas of things to plant! If you come up with something better, tell me! I would love to be inspired by your garden! If I have seeds for the thing I will share!

Garden Wildly!